Sunday June 24 Tok Alaska

Got into Alaska today!  

Arrived at Tok Alaska late afternoon, after driving from our roadside campground near Whitehorse.  We got a real nice site at a campground in Tok Alaska.  We were surprised that we seemed to leave the crowds behind.  At Whitehorse and Watson Lake, all the campgrounds seemed to be very full.  But in Tok, there were plenty of campgrounds, but they were all fairly empty. 

Weather today was very rainy to start and then cleared up in the afternoon.  Got more rain in the evening.  Hung around 60 most of the day.  With the rain in the morning, the clouds blocked our views of many of the mountains in the distance.   The benefit of the rain was that our camper and jeep got most of the road dirt washed off.  When we arrived in Tok, the place was full of carwashes geared for RV's after the Alaskan highway.  We didn't need them.

Nice to be back in the US after travelling many miles in Canada.  The travel was ok in Canada, but the killer was the gas prices.  Their taxes on the gas are huge.  Along the Alaskan Highway, they also tried to gouge us, as there was always the fear of running short of gas.  Already in Alaska the gas prices are back to normal.  Big relief. 

Tok is a very small town, but they did have a nice bicycle and walking path thru the center of town.  12 miles long.  We took a long walk after driving all day and I am planning on running in the morning, before we take off.

Our plan is to head toward Fairbanks tomorrow (about 200 miles north).  We are going to stay there for a few days, before heading towards Denali NP. 

Along the road to Tok - still in Canada

On our way to Tok

On our way to Tok

Campsite in Tok

Downtown Tok on our walk in the evening
