Tuesday June 12th Rapid City

I am catching up on some days as we are at a campground with service.  Some goofy campground outside of Calgary that is associated with a small amusement park that is closed.  Turns out that campgrounds are hard to come by near Banff on a weekend.  Our golden rule of always reserving for a weekend got messed up because we had no service at Glacier NP or anywhere near it.  

So for Tuesday June 12th:

Spent the day in Rapid City South Dakota.  Had my son Zach and granddaughter Alanna over to the campground for a visit.  Very nice time and here are a few pictures from the visit.  Perfect weather day with temps around 70 degrees F and clear skies.

Some pics of Zach and Alanna:

Zach and Alanna

Alanna - can you say cute?

She had a ball on the swings and slides


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