Monday 7/30 drive to Dawson Creek

Left our mountain top pull off at around 7:30 this morning. Overcast to start. Lots of caribou along the road. A few miles up, while still in the mountains it got extremely foggy so we had to slow down quite a bit.

Eventually the road came out of the mountains and leveled out. A momma black bear and 2 cubs were in the middle of the road trying to cross, but they scampered off pretty quick. Quite a bit of wildlife along the trip as it was cooler.

Towards the end of the day as we were approaching Dawson Creek the truck traffic picked up quite a bit. Oil fields were everywhere around this area.

Stopped at Hythe Alberta, at their town campground. It was a clean place with full hookup for only $25, but it was full of oilfield workers. Mostly ok folks except a creepy bunch in the corner.

The weather started in the low 60’s and finished around 70. Foggy and rainy most of the day and cleared up at the end of the day.

Fog in the mountains from the Stone Mountain Provincial Park. Not 
a lot of pics from this day, as it was a gray overcast day.
