Sunday 7/29 Whitehorse to Fort Nelson

Camped about 1 hour east of Whitehorse at a pull off. Left this morning about 8 am. In the mode now of making tracks so were intending to travel a lot today. We also decided today to take the same route home as we took in. We are kind of anxious to get home and this route will save us a day.

Saw a lot of wildlife today including moose, bison, mountain goats and caribou. As we repeat the route it’s funny that we remember some things in detail and don’t remember other things. I guess it’s been a month..

When passing thru Watson Lake town the valley was full of smoke. While filling up with gas I talked with a firefighter who was filling up his truck. He said that there were 2 forest fires off to the east.

Cool driving thru Muncho Lake Provincial Park and Stone Mountain Provincial Park areas. Slow going with very narrow and winding roads, but very good scenery everywhere.

Found a great pull off spot in Stone Mountain Provincial Park. On top of a mountain with views of a braided river below and mountains all around. Sat in our lawn chairs watching the sunset develop. Fantastic sunset! It was actually hot there while sitting when the wind wasn’t blowing.

Weather today was warm starting in the mid 50’s and ending in the low 80’s.

Campsite at the roadside pulloff - Dark clouds, but it never did rain
Bison along the road - They were on both sides and crossing the road

Big animals

Stop for lunch along the Alaskan Highway

Sunset from our campsite
